
4 Steps to Getting Rid of Dandruff

Getting Rid of Dandruff
4 Steps to Getting Rid of Dandruff


– Preventing dandruff

– Step 1: Healthy living

– Step 2: Use a suitable shampoo

– Step 3: Use a natural shampoo

– Step 4: Get rid of dandruff naturally

– Other dandruff tips

Dandruff is a large or small patch of the scalp that gets trapped in the hair by sebum.

It is caused by inflammation, stress, or poor hygiene, and it is essential to get rid of dandruff quickly because no one wants to have dirty and stinky hair that comes along with dandruff.

Preventing dandruff

It is possible to prevent the appearance or reappearance of dandruff by taking a few simple precautions:

– Don’t use harsh shampoos or shampoos that dry out the scalp.

– Use as little as possible the products you put in your hair (styling gels, lotions, hairspray, dye…).

– Use gentle shampoos about every other day (contrary to what you may hear, which is not to wash your hair too much to avoid damaging your scalp).

– Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water after washing.

– Dry your hair with a hairdryer at a low temperature.

– Do not scratch your head.

– Do not brush or comb your hair with force, as this can damage your scalp.

– When in doubt, consult a dermatologist to avoid confusion between dandruff, psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis (caused by sebum and a fungus that causes severe itching).

Note: To prevent your dandruff from being too visible, avoid wearing black clothes that will make it stand out. Instead, wear white or light-colored clothing.

1. Healthy living

Getting Rid of Dandruff

It is vital to have a healthy lifestyle to avoid dandruff. This starts by stopping to smoke if you are a smoker (get help for this).

– Secondly, a balanced diet is essential. Eat fruits and vegetables regularly and avoid fatty foods and refined sugars.

2. Use a suitable shampoo

Getting Rid of Dandruff

There are many anti-dandruff shampoos that you can use to eliminate your dandruff.

They are designed to fight against the microbial growth that can cause dandruff while promoting the elimination of dead cells.

To choose your shampoo, you must first determine if your dandruff is:

– dry (small and white);

– oily (larger and more skin-like).

Note: you may need to test several shampoos before finding the one that’s right for you.

3. Use a natural shampoo

Getting Rid of Dandruff

In addition to traditional dandruff shampoos, natural lotions or shampoos are made only from plants (thyme, rosemary, sage, etc.).

You can use them more regularly than other shampoos or alternately. Take care to choose a natural anti-dandruff product adapted to your hair type.

To make the most of their anti-dandruff properties:

– Apply the lotion or shampoo to your wet hair.

– Massage gently, avoiding rubbing your scalp.

– Leave the product on for a few minutes.

– Rinse thoroughly with warm water (avoid hot water).

4. Get rid of dandruff naturally

Getting Rid of Dandruff

It is possible, and even advisable, to get rid of dandruff with natural solutions. They allow to eliminate dandruff gently and are thus less aggressive for the scalp.

Essential oils

Essential oils

Some essential oils (EO) exist to get rid of dandruff:

– Eucalyptus globulus EO at a rate of 4 drops in your usual dose of mild shampoo (it cleanses the scalp, prevents the proliferation of fungi responsible for dandruff, and relieves itching);

– Juniper EO in a few drops in your usual shampoo (it is antiseptic, healing, and limits itching);

– Rosemary EO in a few drops directly on the scalp, massaging gently. Rinse after 15 minutes of application.

– You can use tea Tree EO at a rate of 3 drops in 2 tablespoons of mild shampoo (it relieves itching and eradicates dandruff);

– Sage EO in the same dosage (it fights against sebum problems at the origin of greasy dandruff).

– Make a mixture of Tea Tree EO (7 drops) and a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply this mixture on the scalp and keep it overnight (wrap your hair to avoid staining your sheets and pillows). Wash your hair the following day with a mild shampoo.

– Make a preparation containing:

◦ 2 ml Atlas Cedar (Cedrus atlantica) EO;

◦ 2 ml of Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora);

◦ 2 ml of Cade EO (Juniperus oxycedrus);

◦ 125 ml of spring water;

◦ Apply the mixture to the scalp, massaging gently. Rinse after a short half-hour.

– You can make an anti-dandruff shampoo by adding 10 drops of each of the following EOs to your bottle of regular shampoo:

◦ Atlas Cedar;

◦ Eucalyptus globulus;

◦ Rosemary;

◦ Tea Tree.

Note: These essential oils are not recommended for children under 10 years of age and pregnant or nursing women.


Homeopathy can be used to fight dandruff with 5 granules per day in 9 CH of:

– Phosphoriucum acidum and Arsenicum iodatum;

– Natrum muriaticum;

– Sulfur.


You can use rosemary or nettle leaves to fight against dandruff:

– Crush a teaspoon of rosemary or nettle leaves.

– Boil a cup of water.

– Add the leaves.

– Let infuse for about 5 minutes.

– Strain.

Apply this decoction (cooled) on your scalp by massaging gently. After about ten minutes, rinse thoroughly. Repeat the application every day.

You can also prepare a decoction of celery by boiling five stalks in a liter of water for ten minutes. Rinse your head with the preparation (use the whole liter).

Another solution to be repeated 2 or 3 times a week: mix a teaspoon of nasturtium mother tincture in half a liter of spring water. Pour the mixture on your scalp and leave it on for half an hour before shampooing as usual.

Food supplements

Getting Rid of Dandruff

Among the interesting trace elements to fight against dandruff, let us mention:

– Magnesium;

– selenium;

– zinc-nickel-cobalt complex;

– Vitamin D is also useful against dandruff;

– Put brewer’s yeast in flakes in your salads and meals in general (brewer’s yeast also exists in capsules).

Other tips against dandruff

Getting Rid of Dandruff

Here are some other simple solutions to fight dandruff:

– You can use effervescent aspirin: dissolve one tablet in 125 ml of water, mix well and apply to your wet hair by massaging gently. Do not rinse your hair afterward.

– Put a tablespoon of baking soda in half a liter of water and massage your hair with this mixture before or after a mild shampoo.

– Massage your scalp with a bit of fine salt, rinse thoroughly and wash your hair with your usual shampoo.

Materials needed to get rid of dandruff.

– Baking soda

– Homeopathic tablets

– Rosemary leaves

– Essential oils

– Brewer’s yeast

– Magnesium

– Anti-dandruff shampoo

– Gentle shampoo

– Mother tincture of nasturtium

4 Steps to Getting Rid of Dandruff

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