
Brewer’s Yeast Benefits For Your Hair

Brewer's Yeast Benefits For Your Hair

Brewer’s Yeast Benefits For Your Hair


– Brewer’s yeast for hair… is it possible?

– Brewer’s yeast cure for hair

Present in certain common foods such as bread or wine, brewer’s yeast, a simple product in itself, can also have its place in your medicine cabinet… If you have problems with hair loss, brittle nails, digestive issues, and fatigue, brewer’s yeast is an exciting resource to know if you want to get shiny hair and healthy skin.

Let’s see closer below.

Brewer’s yeast for hair… is it possible?

Nature of brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast is a unicellular fungus that owes its name to the fact that it is responsible for the fermentation of beer. Its twin sister, baker’s yeast, is an anaerobic fungus of the same species, responsible for the fermentation of the dough. 

This microscopic mushroom is a natural energy bomb packed with amino acids, vitamins, and proteins. The vitamins it contains come mainly from the B group: these are vitamins B3, also known as vitamins PP (niacin), B1 (thiamine), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (cystine), B8 (biotin), and B9 (folic acid).

Vitamin B deficiencies have severe consequences for the skin. Certain serious diseases, such as pellagra, are due to a vitamin B3 deficiency, and to a lesser extent, conditions such as eczema and seborrhea, to a biotin deficiency.

Do B vitamins have any impact on hair health? But what is hair made of?

Brewer's Yeast Benefits For Your Hair

Hair constitution 

Hair and nails are the appendages of the skin or phanera.

Their essential characteristic is that, like the skin, they are made of keratin, the basic protein of the epidermis. But the keratin that makes hair and nails up is called “hard keratin”, while the one that makes up the skin is called “soft keratin”.

Good to know: the dander is made up of 95% hard keratin.

The secret of brewer’s yeast

Brewer's Yeast Benefits For Your Hair

The secret of brewer’s yeast is undoubtedly its nutrients, which are high in B vitamins and contribute to the health and growth of the skin cells: the vitamin B complex strengthens the keratin layer of the skin. It plays a fundamental role in the healing process.

Vitamin B8, or biotin, has a substantial impact on the health of hair and nails. A deficiency causes hair and eyelash loss and softening of the nails. Its action on keratin makes it essential in the field of Nutri-cosmetics.

Consequently, if your hair is dull or brittle, a cure of brewer’s yeast will be very beneficial to you.

Brewer’s yeast cure for hair

How does the cure work?

A brewer’s yeast cure lasts 2 to 3 months, at a rate of 2 grams 3 times a day.

Tip: it is not recommended to exceed 3 months; otherwise, the body could get used to it. However, you can repeat the courses of treatment at intervals of 3 or 4 months.

Which brewer’s yeast to buy?

Brewer’s yeast exists in powder, flakes, tablets, or capsules. The choice is yours. 

You can also buy baker’s yeast, but be careful; this living food spoils very quickly. It must therefore be kept cold and used quickly.

Good to know: you can eat it before your meal or sprinkle it on your plate.

What is the influence of brewer’s yeast on other hairs?

Brewer’s yeast strengthens hair and dander but does not cause new hair bulbs to grow. The hair appears thicker, shinier, and more beautiful.

Even if it also strengthens hair, this will not impact because the hair cycle is less than 3 months in most areas of the body. So don’t worry: the benefits to your hair and nails are well worth it!

Read more:

Tips Every Girl with Frizzy Hair Needs To Know
Brewer’s Yeast Benefits For Your Hair

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